Refereed Publications

Lee, J., Park, S., Lee, M., Oh, S. (2025). Exploring Librarians’ Experiences and Perceptions of Public Library Data Work. In Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society [To Appear] Journal Article
Marciano, R., Grant, R., Hill, A., Nicholas, P., Scheer, N., Wierdak, A., Conrad, M., McCoy, R., Lee, M., Robinson, P.N. (2024). Bridging Traditional Digital Humanities and Archives through Computational Archival Science. In The Routledge Companion to Libraries, Archives, and the Digital Humanities , pp. 56-70. Routledge. Book Chapter
Abubakr, L., Shrivastava T., Whitman, S., Pine, K., Lee, M. (2024). Understanding Information Managers: A Thematic Analysis of Information Challenges of Disability Service Providers. In Companion of the ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW '24), pp. 629-634. ACM. Nov 9-13. San José, Costa Rica. Extended Abstract
Willis, M. A., Lee, M. (2024). New Kids on the Block? Exploring Onboarding Strategies of Prospective Professionals in Cybersecurity. In Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS '24), Proceedings. 27. AIS. Aug 15-17. Salt Lake City, UT. Short Paper Top 25% Papers
Gordon, E., Harlow, J., Whitman, S., Lee, M. (2024). Data Discretion: Screen-Level Bureaucrats and Municipal Decision-Making. In Digital Government: Research and Practice (DGOV), 5(2). pp. 1-14. ACM. Journal Article
Lee, M., Hsu, J. H-P. (2024). An Evaluation of GPT-4V for Transcribing the Urban Renewal Hand-Written Collection. In Digital Humanities (DH '24), Aug 6-9. ADHO. Arlington, VA. Short Paper Conference Bursary Award
Lee, E., Lee, M. (2024). Examining the Shift in Political Inclination of Korean Middle School Language Textbooks between the Independence and the Korean War (1945–1953): A Network Modeling Approach. In Digital Humanities (DH '24), Aug 6-9. ADHO. Arlington, VA. Short Paper
Siraj, H., Whitman, S., Lee, M., Pine, K. (2024). Exploring Domestic Workers’ Risk Work During the COVID-19 Pandemic. In iConference 2024 Proceedings , April 22-26. Changchun, China. Extended Abstract
Kang, W., Lee, M., Lee, J., Oh, S. (2023). AI or Authors?: A Comparative Analysis of BERT and ChatGPT’s Keyword Selection in Digital Divide Studies. In Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIST '23), Oct 27-31. London, U.K. Extended Abstract
Lee, M., Lee, J., Kang, W., Oh, S. (2023). Aggregate-Level Analysis of Information Behavior: A Study of Public Library Book Circulation. In Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIST '23), Oct 27-31. London, U.K. Extended Abstract
Lee, M., Tang, X., Wang, P. (2023). The NYC311 App & Community Engagement in Coproducing Municipal Services. In Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS '23), Proceedings. AIS. Aug 10-12. Panama City, Panama. Full Paper Top 25% Papers
Hsu, J. H-P., Shin, H., Park, N., Lee, M. (2023). Two-sided Cultural Niches: Topic Overlap, Geospatial Correlation, and Local Group Activities on Event-based Social Networks. In International Conference on Communities and Technologies (C&T '23), Proceedings. ACM. May 29-Jun 2. Lahti, Finland. Full Paper
Cleaveland, C.W., Lee, M., Gewa, C.A. (2023). “I thought I was going to die there:” Socio-political contexts and the plight of undocumented Latinx in the COVID-19 pandemic. In SSM-Qualitative Research in Health (SSM-QR), 3, 100242. Elsevier. Journal Article
Siraj, H., Machavarapu, A., Hwang, J., Radhakrishnan, K., Adams, S., Kim, J., Lee, M. (2023). How Do YouTubers Collaborate? A Preliminary Analysis of YouTubers’ Collaboration Networks. In iConference 2023 Proceedings , Mar 27-29. Barcelona, Spain. Extended Abstract Best Poster Award Finalists (top-5) ASSIP 2022
Hsu, J. H-P., Wang, J., Lee, M. (2022). Towards an Expectation-Oriented Model of Public Service Quality: A Preliminary Study of NYC 311. In International Conference on Social Informatics (SocInfo '22), 13618. Springer: Cham. Oct 19-21. Glasgow, U.K. Short Paper
Stevens, T., Gkountouna, O., Lee, M. (2022). Exploring Secondary Teachers' Needs and Values in Culturally Responsive Teaching. In Companion of the ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW '22), 140-144. ACM. Nov 8-22. Virtual. Extended Abstract
Kim, J., Lee, M. (2022). Evaluating Visitor Engagement Through Instagram: A Case Study of the One with Eternity: Yayoi Kusama in the Hirshhorn Collection. In Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIST '22), 59(1), 729-731. Wiley. Oct 29-Nov 1. Pittsburgh, U.S. Extended Abstract
Shukla, P., Lee, M., Whitman, S., Pine, K. (2022). Delay of Routine Health Care During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Theoretical Model of Individuals’ Risk Assessment and Decision Making. In Social Science & Medicine (SSM), 307(2022), 115164. Elsevier. Journal Article
Wang, P., Lee, M., Hangen, F., O’Brien, D., Tang, X. (2022). Social Justice & Technical Efficiency: The Role of Digital Technology in Boston's 311 System. In European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS '22), 117. AIS. June 18-24. Timisoara, Rumania. Full Paper Best Full Paper Runner-Up (top 3)
Tang, X., Lee, M., Hangen, F., O’Brien, D., Wang, P. (2022). In Search of Social Justice: The Role of Digital Technology in a Government Information System. In Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings (AOM '22), Aug 5-9. Seattle, U.S. Full Paper
Stevens, T., Lee, M., Gkountouna, O. (2022). Towards a Socio-technical System of Culturally Responsive Teaching: The Interplay between Individuals, Communities, and Resources. In ACM CHI Workshop on "There is no justice, just us": Making Mosaics of Justice in Social Justice HCI , April 30-May 5. New Orleans, U.S. Workshop Paper
Lee, J., Kang, W., Lee, M. (2021). The Effects of Socioeconomic Deprivation on Public Library Book Circulation: A Community-level Study. In Journal of the Korean Library and Information Science , 55(4). pp. 219-243. KERIS. Journal Article
Pine, K., Lee, M., Whitman, S., Chen, Y., Henne, K. (2021). Making Sense of Risk Information amidst Uncertainty: Individuals’ Perceived Risks Associated with the COVID-19 Pandemic. In Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '21), ACM. pp.1-15. May 8-13. Virtual. Full Paper Honorable Mention Award (top 5%)
Lee, M., Wang, J., Janzen, S., Winter, S., Harlow, J. (2021). Crowdsourcing Behavior in Reporting Civic Issues: The Case of Boston's 311 Systems. In Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings (AOM '21), July 29-Aug 3. Virtual. Full Paper
Lee, M., Peterson, M.E., Dam, T., Challa, B., Robinson, P. (2021). Multi-Generational Stories of Urban Renewal: Preliminary Interviews for Map-based Storytelling. In Diversity, Divergence, Dialogue. iConference 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science , vol 12646. pp. 319-326. Springer: Cham. Short Paper
Jeon, H., Lee, M., Jaloudi, M. (2021). Geographical disparities of incidence and prevalence of triple-negative breast cancers: Multistate study data analysis. In Journal of Clinical Oncology , 39 (15_suppl). In ASCO '21. June 4-8. Chicago. U.S. Extended Abstract
Lee, M., Harlow, J., Gordon, E., Wang, J., Jonston, E., Janzen, S., Winter, S. (2020). Toward Understanding Civic Data Bias in 311 Systems: An Information Deserts Perspective. In CSCW Workshop on Civic Technologies: Research, Practice, and Open Challenges , Oct 17-21. Virtual. Workshop Paper
Chan, J., Brier, J., Farhadi, Z., Lee, M., Janzen, S., Chi, W., Fellows, A., Winter, S. (2020). A Theoretical Analysis of Independent Business Owners’ Preferences for Informal Information Sources. In Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIST '20), Wiley. Oct 22-Nov 1. Virtual. Extended Abstract
Lee, M., Butler, B.S. (2020). Cultural Activity Diversity and Community Characteristics: An Exploratory Study. In Sustainable Digital Communities. iConference 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science , 12051, pp. 32–49. Springer: Cham. March 23-26. Virtual. Full Paper
Lee, M., Butler, B.S. (2019). How are Information Deserts Created? A Theory of Local Information Landscapes. In Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology (JASIST), 70(2), pp. 101-119. Wiley. Journal Article Outstanding iSchool Student Paper Award
McKenzie, G., Liu, Z., Hu, Y., Lee, M. (2018). Identifying Urban Neighborhood Names through User-contributed Online Property Listings. In ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information (IJGI), 7(10), 388. MPDI. Journal Article
Marciano, R., Lee, M., Underwood, W., Laib, S., Diker, Z., Singh, A. (2018). Digital Curation of a World War II Japanese-American Incarceration Camp Collection: Implications for Sociotechnical Archival Systems. In Digital Heritage , The 3rd International Congress & Expo. IEEE. October 26-30. San Francisco, U.S. Short Paper
Hong, L., Lee, M., Mashhadi, A., Frias-Martinez, V. (2018). Towards Understanding Communication Behavior Changes during Floods Using Cell Phone Data. In International Conference on Social Informatics, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (SocInfo '18), 11186, pp. 97-107. Springer: Cham. September 25-28. St. Petersburg, Russia. Short Paper
Lee, M., Chen, S., Zhang, Y., Spencer, E., Marciano, R. (2018). Toward Identifying Values and Tensions in Designing a Historically-Sensitive Data Platform: A Case-Study on Urban Renewal. In iConference 2018 Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science , 10766, pp. 632-637. Springer: Cham. March 25-28. Sheffield, U.K. Short Paper
Lee, M., Zhang, Y., Chen, S., Spencer, E., Dela Cruz, J., Hong, H., Marciano, R. (2017). Heuristics for Assessing Computational Archival Science (CAS) Research: The Case of the Human Face of Big Data Project. In The Computational Archival Science Workshop in IEEE Big Data, Proceedings (Big Data), pp. 2262-2270. IEEE. December 11-14. Boston, U.S. Workshop Paper
Lee, M., McKenzie, G., Aghi, R. (2017). Exploratory Cluster Analysis of Urban Mobility Patterns to Identify Neighborhood Boundaries. In Symposium on Location-Based Social Media Data and Tracking Data (LSMTD), July 1-2. Washington D.C., U.S. Extended Abstract
Lee, M., Dottle, R., Espino, C., Subkhan, I., Rokem, A., Mashhadi, A. (2017). A Tool for Estimating and Visualizing Poverty Maps. In NetMob '17 , pp. 49-51. April 5-7. Milan, Italy Extended Abstract
Wang, P., Lee, M., Meng, X., Butler, B.S. (2016). Toward an Ecology Theory of Creativity in IT Products: A Study of Mobile Device Industry. In 37th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS '16), pp. 1-20. AIS. December 11-14. Dublin, Ireland Full Paper Best Paper Award (top 1)
Travis, D., Lee, M., Rojas, M., Gunn, A., Nimkar, A., Jansen, G., Diakopoulos, N., Marciano, R. (2016). Unlocking the Archives of Displacement and Trauma: Revealing Hidden Patterns of Exploring New Modes of Public Access through Innovative Partnerships and Infrastructure. In Archiving Conference, Society for Imaging Science and Technology , 2016(1), pp. 135-139. April 19-22. Washington D.C., U.S. Full Paper
Lee, M., Farzan, R., Butler, B.S. (2016). This is Not Just a Café: Toward Capturing the Dynamics of Urban Places. In The CityLab Workshop at the 10th International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM '16), pp. 20-25. AAAI. May 17-20. Cologne, Germany. Workshop Paper
Kim, J., Lee, M., Oh, C. (2015). Motherhood and Social Networking Sites: How do sociocultural contexts and technological factors affect Korean mothers’ KakaoStory use?. In iConference 2015 Proceedings , March 24-27. Newport Beach, U.S. Full Paper Lee Dirk Best Paper Runner-Up (top 5)
Lee, M., Santos, L., Zhao, W., Lakhole, P., & Butler, B.S. (2015). What Makes a Place More Familiar?: Implications of Geospatial Information Format and Content. In Proceedings of the ACM Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '15), pp. 1079-1084. ACM. April 18-23. Seoul, Korea. Extended Abstact
Oh, C., Butler, B.S., Lee, M. (2014). Information Behavior of International Students Settling in an Unfamiliar Geospatial Environment. In Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIST '14), 51(1). pp. 1-11. Wiley. October 31-November 5. Seattle, U.S. Full Paper
Lee, M., Butler, B.S. (2014). I know where that is: Cultural Differences in Perception of New Places. In iConference 2014 Proceedings , pp. 1096-1100. March 4-7. Berlin, Germany. Extended Abstract

Non-Refereed Papers and Reports

Lee, M., Hsu, J. (2025). Evaluating Data Fragmentation across Event-based Social Networks. In CIL Technical Report , No.1 Working Paper
Sidhu, A., Prazak, I., Padovani, L., Karakawa, M., Lim, Y., Hsu, J., Lee, M. (2024). How reliable is disability-related information on social media? Exploring the prevalence of disability misinformation and assessing fact-checking tools. In Journal of Student-Scientists' Research (JSSR), Vol.6 Extended Abstract ASSIP 2024
Lee, M., Abubakr, L., Shrivastava T., Hsu, J., Whitman, S., Kim, P. (2024). 2024 Assessment of Virginia’s Information Ecology of the Disability Services System. In Virginia Board for People with Disabilties (VBPD) Government Report
Bui, L., Gerson, S., Lincicum, M., Samson, L., Zhang, Z., Hsu, J., Lee, M. (2023). Do YouTubers Promote Bullshiting using ChatGPT? Exploring the Use of Large-Language Models in YouTube Videos and Their Risk Landscapes. In Journal of Student-Scientists' Research (JSSR), Vol.5 Extended Abstract ASSIP 2023
Adams, S., Hwang, J., Machavarapu, A., Radhakrishnan, K., Siraj, H., Kim, J., Lee, M. (2022). How Do YouTubers Collaborate With Each Other? A Machine Learning and Network Analysis-Based Approach. In Journal of Student-Scientists' Research (JSSR), Vol.4 Extended Abstract ASSIP 2022
Arraya, C., Gkountouna, O., Lee, M., Mahabir, R. (2021). Towards an Understanding of the Critical Success Factors that Drive Local Community Gatherings in US Cities: A Machine-Learning Study on Meetup Data. In Journal of Student-Scientists' Research (JSSR), Vol.3 Extended Abstract ASSIP 2021
Lee, M., Lee, S.K., Kim, S.H., Park, N.S. (2020). Human Mobility during COVID-19 in the Context of Mild Social Distancing: Implications for Technological Interventions. In Archive Paper

Selected Presentations

Lee, M. (2024). Exploring the Information Management and Fragmentation Problems of Virginia's Disability Services: A Local Information Landscape Perspective. In The Conference of the Korean Society of Information Management (KSIM), August 23. Seoul, Korea. Invited Talk
Lee, M., Hsu, J. H-P., Plaza, R., Gonzales, V., Zhang, Z., Mahabir, R. (2024). Collaborating to Success: Analyzing the Collaboration Networks of Gaming YouTubers. In International Conference on Computational Social Science (IC2S2), July 17-20. Philadelphia, PA. Poster Presentation
Lee, M., Hsu, J. H-P., Plaza, R., Zhang, Z., Mahabir, R. (2024). How Do Gaming YouTubers' Collaboration Shape Their Success?. In International School and Conference on Network Science (NetSci), June 16-21. Quebeck City, Canada Poster Presentation
Gordon E., Harlow, J., Lee, M. (2023). Data Discretion: Screen-Level Bureaucrats and Municipal Decision-Making. In Society for Social Studies of Science (4S), Nov. 8-11. Honolulu, HI. Paper Presentation
Chen, V., Lee, M., Ojibe, N., Peters, S. (2023). Ethnic heterogeneity, income, and multiple dimensions of social capital: Exploring Meetup and Facebook-based measurements. In American Sociological Association Annual Meeting (ASA), August 17-21. Philadelphia, PA. Working Paper Presentation
Robinson, P., Lee, M., Marciano, R. (2023). Measuring the Urban Renewal Impact. In City of Asheville Community Reparation Commissions Meeting , March 20. Asheville, NC. Community Presentation
Chen, V., Peters, S., Lee, M., Ojibe, N. (2023). Activating Social Capital at the County Level: A Geospatial Analysis of the Relationship between Social Ties and Event Organizing Using Meetup and Facebook Data. In Eastern Sociological Society Conference (ESS), Feb. 23-26. Baltimore, MD. Working Paper Presentation
Lee, M. (2022). Information Ecology: How Can We Better Access Information?. In Information Access Summit by Virginia Board for People with Disabilities (VBPD) , November 30. Richmond, VA. Invited Talk
Ramos, M., Gracy, K., Lee, M., Gnanasekaran, R., Marciano, M. (2022). Supporting Social and Racial Justice through Computational Archival Science (CAS). In 86th Annual Meeting of the Society of American Archivists (ARCHIVES*RECORDS), August 25-26. Boston, MA. Presentation
Siraj, H., Whitman, S., Pine, K., Lee, M. (2022). Typology of Informal Risk Work: Infrastructuring During COVID-19. In Work in the Age of Intelligent Machines Summer Conference (WAIM), June 6-7. Washington D.C. Working Paper Discussion
Robinson, P., Evans, P., Lee, M., Marciano, R., McCoy, A. (2021). Launching the Urban Renewal Impact Website and Storytelling. In Community Event in Acheville, NC , June 24. Virtual. Web Launching Event


Boston 311 Information Deserts (2022): A map-based visualization platform that demonstrates how the disparities in 311 reports manifest across the City of Boston. A result from the NSF CHS grant ♯1816763 (2018-2022).
Remapping Southside Community (2021): A map-based visualization platform that curates the urban renewal property acquisition collection (1965-1980) from the City of Asheville, NC.
Civic Tech Timeline (2018): A web implementation of civic tech evolution history, curated by Cyd Harrell.
Open Data Impact Map (2016): A map-based visualization platform that shows the impact of open data on organizations in the world through the survey data collected by the Center for Open Data Enterprise.